Package: Cary DrawVersion: 3.1Date : October 22, 1998Author : Brian PangAbout Cary Draw===============Cary Draw is a simple application not unlike those toys where you put a mustache and a beard on a face with iron filings. However, instead of just a face and iron filings, Cary Draw features my friend Cary's face and your Newton.Installing Cary Draw====================Please consult your documentation for NPI (Newton Package Installer), NCU(Newton Connection Utilities), or any similar Newton Package installerapplication. Using an application supporting Newton Package installation,download the file (CaryDraw3.1.pkg) on to your Newton device.Using Cary Draw===============After downloading the package on to your Newton device and placing it in afolder, select the folder and click on the Cary Draw icon. The program willopen as a floating display.Using your Newton pen, you can give Cary a mustache, beard, glasses or anything you wish. Fun!Removing Cary Draw==================Removing Cary Draw from your Newton is frowned upon. Don't do it.Legal Stuff===========Cary Draw is freeware. The distribution of this program must not include anyfees not directly associated to shipping or media costs for the distributionprocess. If you would like to include this program in a commerciallyavailable collection or package, please contact the author and ask forpermission first! Any form of distribution for this program must include (ormake easily available) the following unmodified files: 1. CaryDraw3.1.pkg The Newton Package file. 2. CaryDraw.txt The text file documentation.*** This means providing the package and at least one form of documentation.The image, likeness and name of Cary have been used with permission.Source Code===========Cary Draw has been bin-hexed with source files included so that others may learn and contribute. Any modified releases of Cary Draw remain the property of the original author.Suggestions, Bugs, and Encouragement====================================Please feel free to email suggestions, bug reports, and especially words ofencouragement to me directly at the following email address: