-=[ VIEWFRAME 1.3 BETA ]=-This document, and the accompanying software, are Copyright 1998 Jason Harper. You may use this software free of charge. You may redistribute it, subject to the following conditions:* The software and documentation must be distributed in complete, unmodifed form.* You must make all four ViewFrame releases available: both ViewFrame 1.3 Beta and ViewFrame 1.2, in both Mac and PC formats. However, you may omit the files for one platform if it is reasonable to assume that only users of the other platform will receive your redistributed files.* No money may be charged for these files, other than normal connect time or media charges that apply equally to all files distributed via the same channel.ViewFrame 1.3 was an update that was in beta testing at the time that Apple discontinued the Newton. I no longer have any interest in finishing the update, so I'm releasing it in its current state for the benefit of the remaining active Newton programmers. Please note that this software is incomplete, and is offerred AS-IS: in the normal course of events, it would not have been made available until considerably more refinement and testing had been done. It is quite likely that you will experience crashes and hangs if you use this software. If you are unwilling to accept this risk, then simply don't use the software!You MUST have ViewFrame 1.2 (previously sold by Creative Digital, now freely available) for these files to be of any use to you. Only the components that have actually changed since version 1.2 are included, and only the new and changed features in those components are documented here.The included packages, other than the two in the ONLYFOR2.X folder, can be installed on any Newton (although you probably wouldn't want to install VF+INTERCEPT.PKG on a 1.x Newton, as its new features are all for 2.x devices). In the ONLYFOR2.X folder, VF+DANTE.PKG works on any 2.x device, but VF+KEYS.PKG requires a 2.1 device (MessagePad 2000/2100 with keyboard, or an eMate).The documentation for ViewFrame 1.3, such as it is, can be read with Acrobat Reader. Get it from http://www.adobe.com if you don't have a copy already.CHANGES1.PDF and CHANGES2.PDF document changes in the first and second beta releases, respectively.STEPPER.PDF contains more detailed documentation on the operation of the new single-step debugging features. Note that some of the problems and limitations mentioned in this file were fixed: anything mentioned in the two CHANGES files takes precedence over this one.Please ignore any comments such as "the next version will..." or "TODO:" in the documentation, as these changes are almost certainly never going to happen.There was one change made after the second beta release: a Soup Watcher feature was added to the VF+Dante Addition. This command is always available, and will allow you to select a soup for which a soup change notification function will be installed. You can choose to have this function display information about the soup change either to the Inspector, or in a modal dialog. As I recall, the modal dialog option didn't work very well if multiple soup changes have been made.If you have any questions about this software, please check my homepage at: http://pobox.com/~JasonHarperto see if I've created a FAQ list, or write to me at: JasonHarper@pobox.comYou're welcome to send me any suggestions or bug reports, however I cannot guarantee that any such changes will ever be implemented.