************************************************Power Prefs V2.1New in version 2.0, you can tell the backlight on a MP130 to turn on automatically on power up. This option only shows up if backlighting is available.************************************************This package adds a panel to the Prefs application under Newton 2.0 to allow access to some hidden options that aren't normally available. This package only works under Newton OS 2.0. Loading it on earlier versions of the Newton will not work and produce an error. Since the functions are undocumented they may stop working in the future.Once the package is installed it is automatically filed in the Extensions folder by the system. To use it go to the setup folder in the extras drawer (or wherever you have filed the Prefs app) and tap on Prefs. There is now an additional item called "Power Prefs" in the list. Tap on the "Power Prefs" line and a view opens with 4 selections.The first selection allows you to change whether or not the extras drawer allways closes when you launch a package from the drawer. The default is on, this will close the drawer on launch.The second selection allows you to turn on or off "Package Freezing". Package freezing allows you to select an application(s) in the extras drawer and "Freeze" it so that it is no longer active. A frozen package is not installed and does not take up any run-time memory (heap). A frozen package still uses up storage and is the same size as the original "un-frozen" version. Use this on packages that you aren't using when heap is low or on extensions that add functionality to the system that you want turned off.The next item allows access to the form that the Undo button takes. In older versions of the Newton OS, when you tapped the Undo button it would undo the last action. If you tapped again it would undo the next latest action and then the undo stack would be empty. If you tapped a third time the Newton would display an alert saying that there was nothing left to undo. Under Newton 2.0 the Undo button works differently. When you tap the button the first time it "undoes" the last action. When you tap again it "redoes" the last undone action. Subsequent taps move back and forth between these operations. With "Power Prefs" you can choose between these two modes. Apple left in the old "Undo-Undo" method when they added the new "Undo-Redo" method.The fourth item allows you to tell the Newton whether or not you are right handed or left handed. Unfortunately, this seems to have no effect on the built-in applications but I'm leaving access in the hope that third-party developers will look for the preference item and configure their software appropriately.If you have a Newton with a backlight (at this writing only the MP130) another item is added that allows you to select whether or not you want the backlight to turn on automatically when you turn on the Newton. Once on, the backlight acts the same as if you turned the backlighting on by holding down the power switch. It uses the Prefs item to determine how long the backlight stays on, etc. The idea is that most people will use the backlit Newton with the backlighting on.TECHIE NOTE: This version of PowerPrefs creates a small preference item in your system soup to keep track of the state of the power on backlight option. This is different from the 1.0 version of PowerPrefs that didn't use any new space to store the options since those options are supplied by the ROM. Since the backlight option isn't in the standard user configuration, unlike all of the other options, some small amount of permanent storage is required. If you delete the system soup entry (tag: |PowerPrefs:JDBSoft|) using a soup editing tool, the next time you use PowerPrefs it will recreate the system soup entry, defaulting to "Backlight Off at Power On".Revision History:V2.0 11/06/96 - Tested vs. MP2000V2.0 04/18/96 - MP130 Power on Backlight Control VersionV1.0 12/04/95 - Initial VersionThis package is free but Copyright 1996 Jim Bailey.This Package can be freely redistributed to electronic sites as long as it is posted in its entirety, including this README. It can't be sold as a standalone package or as part of commercial package without my written permission.Acknowledgements:Thanks to Chris Ramos for the idea of turning the backlight on automatically at power on.-- Jim Bailey email: web: